How To Know When It’s Time to Replace Windows
Sometimes it’s easy to catch when you should replace windows. Other times it is not so obvious when your windows are in need of replacing. Having a guide to help you out can save you time and money in the long run. We are here to help you out with this short article all about how to know when it is time to replace or repair your windows.
Foggy Windows
Over time, the seals around the perimeter of window glass can begin to fail. These glass units (also known as insulated glass units or IGUs) are dependent on this seal to prevent moisture from accumulating inside the unit. When this happens, this can lead to severe problems.
Often some never notice this issue, and homeowners can go months or even years without noticing… that is until the weather changes. When you have a drastic difference in temperatures outside versus inside, the issue will likely present itself with a buildup of condensation inside the insulated glass unit. Not only does this make the window appear foggy, but it’s also a sign that the window likely has lost a significant about of its insulative properties (known as “R-value”) resulting in the transmission of hot or cold through the window into your home.
Foggy windows can also be prone to mold, stains and water damage. If your windows are fogging up inside the window glass. It’s a significant sign that this could be time to repair or replace windows.
Hard to Open
If you enjoy opening your windows for a little fresh air, this one will be easier for you to catch. Always check your windows and see if they can be easily opened. Having a lot of resistance to opening your windows is a problem.
Your windows should always be on the easier side to open. When the window is hard to open, it may be a structural problem or it could simply mean there are some maintenance items to address. Ignoring structural problems with your windows can potentially lead to even more problems. You may just be in need of some relatively simple repairs to the window or it could be a structural issue requiring full replacement. Your best bet will be to sit down with a window and glass expert to determine the issue. They will be able to give you the most appropriate solution to your problem.
Cold Drafts Are Constant
Constantly getting a cold draft through your windows is something that you need to look into. A constant draft means there is a leak somewhere in your window. This could be a crack in the glass, damaged seal or damaged structure. This sign starts showing after time, so if you’re just now catching it, you may want to jump onto fixing this.
A constant cold draft can be an isolated issue or can be a combination of the issues previously talked about. That is why it’s important to check on your windows every now and then. Regularly checking them can help you get on top of any potential problems before it gets too severe before you completely have to replace windows.
High Utility Bills
Issues with your windows can lead to higher utility bills. If you are not physically checking your windows, always compare your utility bills. This could be one of the signs something is going on with your windows. Most utility providers give customers a usage report on their monthly bill. Be mindful of significant spikes in usage, particularly when you see big increases over similar seasonal periods. It could be a sign that your windows may need some maintenance.
Severe Storms
If you have had a severe storm blow through, your windows could have taken a hit. Always check for damage after a storm including your windows. Cracked windows can be an easier repair than some think. Just replacing the glass versus the whole window or windows is a huge cost savings. Additionally, storm systems like tornadoes and hurricanes can wreak havoc on windows without ever leaving a mark. The huge barometric shifts that are seen with many of these systems can be damaging to insulated glass units. If you’ve recently experienced a big storm and you’re concerned about the health of your window glass, it could be time to schedule an in-home window inspection by a professional.
Talk to The Experts
After going through and checking your windows, if you feel there may be a problem, sit down with a professional. Make sure to have your questions and concerns ready. Once you sit down with a widow expert you can work together and a solution can be found and if you should replace windows or just repair them.
Regardless of how window issues present themselves, know that there are a multitude of options to address the problem including foggy window repair, window glass repair, or even replacement windows. Working with a local glass professional you can trust can alleviate your worries and help see clearly again.